Like design, printmaking is process-driven work. And like design it requires patience, vision, and planning. It demands flexibility for creative expression and process. Whether detailed and precise or loose and abstract - printmaking can be a powerful platform to communicate ideas through image and text.

How Come?
linoleum block & handset letterpress
series of 21 prints
15”x 22”

“East to West/West to East & Back Again”
monotype with stencils/Plate 7 of 9
hand bound Leporello accordion fold book/single edition
6.5”x 12”

still life w/lemons
silkscreen on paper, 8-run
series of 21 prints
15”x 22”

marks on paper
silkscreen on paper, from original gesture drawings in sumi ink and graphite stick
8 prints in handmade envelope, series of 7
6"x6" prints/6.25"x6.25" envcelope